Pest Control
EW C-5
Face fly fighter, mineral feeding and cattle scratcher, aids in the control of face and horn flies, mosquitoes, lice and other pests.
Features Include:
- Heavy pipe stand
- Large rubber mineral tub
- Large see-through supply tanks for easy refilling
- Long lasting nylon curtains
- Adjustable for large and small animals
- Animals can access from all sides
Reduce pinkeye, eliminate parasites, increase gains, treat the entire herd at one station, and apply insecticide evenly and for its easy adjustment.
EW L-5
This Mineral Feeder and Face Fly Fighter keeps the salt and minerals dry, and helps control: Flies, Lice, Ticks and Mosquitoes. These feeders also help reduce the spread of pinkeye and other cattle diseases.
The mineral feeder comes with its own stand. The face fly curtain is wick fed and automatically keeps the curtain charged with insecticide. It will work on cows and calves, in the pasture or lot. The tub and tank are made of high-density poly and will withstand extreme heat or sub-zero temperatures.
EW C-3
Help control face flies, horn flies, mosquitoes, ticks, lice and other parasites! The walkway oilers are portable, can be mounted in doorways, gateways or between posts. All wick fed.
- Completely automatic
- No moving parts
- Curtains apply insecticide evenly along backs and faces of animals.
- Works on large and small animals.
- Very low maintenance!