Add On's
Pin On Palp Cage
Veterinarians care for the health of animals and work to improve public health. They diagnose, treat, and research medical conditions and diseases of pets, livestock, and other animals. Veterinarians prefer to work in safe conditions to optimize the treatment of your animals. Keep your vet safe by offering a Real Tuff palpation cage for each AI or PG visit.
- Comes standard on all squeeze chutes and portable systems.
- Enter from both sides.
- Use for sorting animals or blocking the entrance while working on the animal
- Self-locking for added safety
- May be done alone, pin’s easily to a chute, alley or a tub
- Doors open either inward or outward.
Dimensions: 36IN LONG X 34IN WIDE X 78IN TALL
Weighs: 150 lbs
Pin On Slick Door
Farmers can operate the slick door from either side. Our bi-fold alley gate also boasts the fastest opening and closing alley gate available, which is advantageous when time is of the essence. We love this piece of equipment so much that it comes standard on all of our Squeeze Chutes and Complete Portable Systems.
Neck Extender
The neck extender option is an excellent choice for cattlemen who desire stability for implants, ear tagging, and neck shots!
- It provides great access to the injection area
- It holds the head more securely for implants, ear tags, shots, etc.
- All chutes are available with or without the Neck Extender
- Real Tuff head gate with neck extender can be worked from the right or left side
- Works automatically with self-head catch for cattle
- L 4.5' x W .85' x H 6.5'