
Model 30 & 30T

  • Parallel opening doors and a low step over help prevent a downed animal from choking.
  • Gate closes down to 3” to hold small calves and latches up to 18” to hold your largest bulls.
  • A unique hinging system and slides push dirt and manure to the outside with each opening, eliminating build-up and door jams.
  • Improved positive ratchet lock not affected by weather conditions.
  • Fully opening doors provide a wide exit and prevent animals from stumbling or jumping when exiting.
  • The Model 30T has 6 more inches of gate clearance height and a beefed up control handle for working large bulls, taller exotics or bison.

Model 30

Specs: Height: Width: Step over: Closes to:
Overall 69 in 62 in 5.5 in 3 in
Opened 60 in 27 in (top)
20 in (bottom)
5.5 in 3 in

Model 30T

Specs: Height: Width: Step over: Closes to:
Overall 75 in 67 in 5.5 in 3 in
Opened 66 in 27 in (top)
20 in (bottom)
5.5 in 3 in

Model 30 & 30TW

  • Parallel opening doors and a low step over help prevent a downed animal from choking.
  • Gate closes down to 3” to hold small calves and latches up to18”. Model 30TW closes to 4″ to 20″ to hold your largest bulls.
  • A unique hinging system and slides push dirt and manure to the outside with each opening, eliminating build-up and door jams.
  • Improved positive ratchet lock not affected by weather conditions.
  • Fully opening doors provide a wide exit and prevent animals from stumbling or jumping when exiting.
  • The Model 30TW has 6 more inches of gate clearance height and 31.5″ in width.

Model 30

Specs: Height: Width: Step over: Closes to:
Overall 69 in 62 in 5.5 in 3 in
Opened 60 in 27 in (top)
20 in (bottom)
5.5 in 3 in

Model 30TW

Specs: Height: Width: Step over: Closes to:
Overall 85 in 67 in 5.5 in 4 in
Opened 66 in 31.5 in (top)
26.25 in (bottom)
5.5 in 4 in

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