Alley & Tub


When you’re done using the unit, the cattle tub folds into itself, giving you a safe and easy towing experience. Featuring an adjustable hitch, thick structural beams, and a single point jacking system, setting up and taking down this portable unit can be done in under 5 minutes, saving you time and making your life easier.

  • Two cradle-shaped 8’ Adjustable Cattle Alley sections range from
  • Optional Panel Hangers to carry additional panels (2 low-pressure panels per alley side)
  • Both sides of the Easy Flow Alley can be adjusted from one side
  • Both side panels drop down fully, allowing the handler to access the animal in case of emergency
  • Easy Flow Alleys come with removable panels so you can control what cattle can see
  • Safety latches on the Easy Flow Alley side panels ensure the sides will not drop accidentally
  • The cattle tub folds in on itself for compact transport
  • Solid bow on the tub frame ensures quick setup
  • Joiner Bars are welded on the tub for seamless installation
  • Tub measures just 44” wide when panels are folded in
  • Rolling Door between alleyways to improve flow and allow for weighing

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